A hassle-free way to maintain your real estate license and generate income.

Are you an experienced real estate agent who has felt the challenges of a changing market in recent years? The uncertainty can be tough, and the expenses of being a full-time agent without active closings can add up. Before you consider leaving the real estate industry, there’s an alternative path worth exploring.

Exit First Realty offers a solution through its Referral Brokerage program. When you become a part of a referral brokerage, you retain your active real estate license without the need for active selling. This approach allows you to reduce your annual National Association of Realtors (NAR) dues and eliminate monthly MLS fees.

The key advantage is that you can continue to earn commissions from various sources, including past clients, your circle of influence, and anyone looking to make a move. Instead of handling the transactions yourself, you simply refer these clients to a full-time agent within Exit First Realty. Our experienced agents will handle the heavy lifting to get the deal closed.

“Don’t let market uncertainty discourage you—there are options to explore.”

This option is ideal for agents struggling to find new clients or those looking to step back from the constant pressure of maintaining an active pipeline. It’s also a fantastic choice for agents nearing retirement who wish to keep earning commissions from their database.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a referral agent, we invite you to reach out to us today. Our experienced coaches will provide all the details about our referral program and assist you in creating a plan to keep your license while reducing expenses.

Don’t let market uncertainty discourage you—there are options to explore. Contact us today and explore the possibilities. And always remember, It’s Not the Market…it’s the Marketing That Makes the Difference!!