Here’s how you can win listings in a low-inventory real estate market.

Every week on my coaching calls, my agents ask me the same question: “How can I win more listings?” In a low-inventory market like this one, most agents are struggling to secure solid leads. However, my team has thrived in this environment. Today I want to share my secret for winning listings in this market. 

Real estate is a tough industry. Everything runs on competition, and it’s easy to feel like you’re completely by yourself. I believe in doing things a different way. By sharing ideas and strategies, my team focuses on cooperation and making everyone better in the long run.

“If you use the same sales pitch at every listing appointment, you’ll just sound like every other agent. ”

The key to winning consistent listings is to give your sellers exit strategies. No two sellers are the same. Some sellers want the most money possible no matter what. Others want good terms, extra moving time, or a quick sale. Because every seller is unique, you have to provide different solutions for their potential problems. 

If you use the same sales pitch at every listing appointment, you’ll just sound like every other agent out there. You have to provide several exit strategies for your potential sellers. This approach has allowed my team to stand out for years, but it has become even more valuable during this difficult market. 

If you would like to learn more about how you can provide exit strategies for your sellers, please call or email my team. My coaches will learn what makes you unique and help you craft a sales pitch based on your strengths. We look forward to hearing from you.