If you want consistent business, you need to diversify your lead generation sources.

I speak with real estate agents all the time who struggle to source their next deal. They may have a good follow-up system and be great at providing first-class service, but they struggle with the ups and downs of finding consistent business. 

This is a common problem for not just agents, but anyone who works in commission-based sales. They always seem to be chasing the next lead or trying to convert leads from the same resource. One of the main coaching strategies we teach here at Exit First Realty is having multiple lead generation sources, or “lead buckets.” You can’t be one-dimensional in your real estate lead generation.

Think of it like fishing: If you want to catch the most fish, you need to have multiple lines in the water with multiple types of bait, all working at the same time. The same holds true for real estate. As agents, we need to be working several different lead sources in order to build a pipeline of consistent business. For example, here are some of the lead generation systems we coach:

  • Investment real estate. This gives you many different options: buy-and-hold properties, flipping properties, property management, etc.
  • How to effectively geo-farm or work a target neighborhood. 
  • Properly managing your social media to passively generate leads. I’m not talking about just posting something here and there; I’m talking about truly making your social media a lead generation resource.
  • How to turn open house leads into loyal clients. I run across agents all the time who insist that open houses don’t work, but the agents I coach have great success with open houses so long as they use our coaching methods.
  • Turning past clients into consistent referral business. 

“You can’t be one-dimensional in your real estate lead generation.”

If you don’t have at least four or five lead generation sources you’re consistently working, you won’t be consistently successful. Make sure you cast out multiple fishing lines with different bait to bring in business from several areas. Our coaching strategies are proven to help agents earn steady business and avoid the up-and-down nature of commissions. There are dozens of opportunities for stable business income—you just have to know where to reach them and how to convert them. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Exit First Realty’s unique coaching can help you generate more leads, call, email, or visit richmondrealestatejobs.com. I also invite you to schedule a free one-on-one coaching session via Zoom. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember: It’s not the market, it’s the marketing that makes the difference.