Our coaching systems are what make us unique compared to other firms.

What kind of coaching systems do we offer that can propel your success as an agent? Exit First Realty is real estate humanized. Our goal as an organization is to build strong, successful agents who are financially free. We care about our agents to the point where we refer to our brokerage as a family disguised as a real estate company. 

The way we implement this goal is by creating unique coaching strategies that are tailored to each agent’s needs and objectives. Many companies offer a one-size-fits-all approach to training. They firehose you with information at the beginning and then tell you to try making it on your own without offering much follow-up coaching or training to help you reach the next level. Our approach is different. 

While we do offer initial training, it’s tailored to your specific behavioral style, preferred method of learning, and goals for your business. Then we take it a step further: Every agent is assigned a mentor or coach who provides specific guidance to help you reach the next level—similar to how it’s done in martial arts. We even have a training system based on belt levels. We work together as a family and team to help each other grow.

“Exit First Realty is real estate humanized.”

We pull the best coaching methods from other systems and combine them with our Exit flair so they work for our agents. Our office also partners with national and international coaching operations. We take advice from these titans of industry and boil it down to specific action plans we share with our agents free of charge. We then have daily, weekly, and monthly coaching sessions each agent is encouraged to attend, including:

  • Online webinars
  • Face-to-face meetings with your coach
  • Team-building exercises
  • Individual growth plans that push you to always get better in your craft

We want our agents to succeed in business, and we want our coaching to get better every day as well. That’s why we’re always following other coaching systems and making updates to the strategies we offer other agents. Our office understands that every agent is a unique person with particular plans, dreams, and goals. We also understand that our job as a family is to foster those goals and help you succeed, no matter what level you strive to reach. 

If you’re interested in learning more about our Exit First Realty family and how to take advantage of our unique coaching plans, please contact us today. You can call our office, send an email to careers@marcshomes.com, or visit our website. I also invite you to get a sneak peek of our coaching systems by attending our free agent help session every Wednesday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Click here to register: https://bit.ly/FreeAgentHelpSession

If you have questions about this or any real estate topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you. Remember: It’s not the market; it’s the marketing that makes the difference.