Here’s how you can grow your business without outside lead generation.

Are you growing your business from inside out or outside in? Are you relying too much on internet leads or other outside sources? If so, there is an easier, better way to grow your business by leveraging opportunities with your existing clients.

Too often I speak with agents who chase lots of outside lead sources: internet leads, paid referral companies, or the next best lead source. Some of these are good to have as an option, but many agents are simply missing opportunities to leverage business from what they already have. Some of the easiest income comes from family, friends, and current clients. You should focus your energy on getting everything you can from those sources.

One way is to ask for referrals numerous times throughout the entire transaction. Ask the question, “Who else do you know that needs to buy or sell a home?” 

“Your time is best spent squeezing business out of what you have rather than chasing the newest thing.”

On top of this, you can go above and beyond to make them feel appreciated. Throw a housewarming party for them and get to know their friends and family, send a gift to your client’s work with your branding and information celebrating their purchase, and touch base with your clients through a notecard on the anniversary of their close. These are all great ways to capture more business from these clients.

Set up a system for regularly connecting with your friends, family, and neighbors to ask for referrals. Make yourself available and known as a real estate expert. They might not need to buy or sell, but they might know someone who does. You have to remind and teach them to send referrals your way.

As someone who has learned the hard way, trust me when I say your time is best spent squeezing business out of what you have rather than chasing the newest thing. You’ll see a higher return on investment and better growth in the long run. 

Call us today for a free business strategy session. Our coaches will work with your specific situation and put a plan into place that’ll grow your business from the inside out. Remember, it’s not the market; it’s the marketing that makes the difference.