Free Real Estate Business Planning Call

Are you a hungry real estate agent looking for more?

Dear Fellow Agent:

Need direction and focus to sell more homes?

I’ll meet with you one-on-one to help you write a business plan you can implement immediately to generate leads, appointments, and sales.

I know how challenging it is to sell real estate.

You have discount brokerages, competing agents, and hundreds of ways to get clients (all are not equal, I’ll tell you).

It can get overwhelming to stick to a consistent business plan that makes you money.

My name is Marc Austin Highfill with EXIT First Realty and we’ve sold over 4,000 homes.

I want to help you sell more homes.

I’ll learn about your needs, goals, and why you started selling real estate. I’m happy to offer my insight on what I would do in your situation to sell more homes.

I will also share with you what we’re doing that works to generate leads and sales.

Once I understand how you like to do business that’s authentic to you (referral, prospecting, marketing, events, etc), I’ll help you write a business plan tailored just for you.

You’ll walk away with a plan of action, with steps you can take right away, to find homeowners who will list their home with you.

This will help you get the commission consistency and the freedom we all want from our business.

Here’s what a few agents say about working with me…

"EXIT’s weekly coaching meetings and training opportunities have allowed me to grow my business more than I would have on my own. Plus, having access to a free CRM has made it easy to keep in touch with my sphere, past clients, and to generate new leads."
- Megan, 3-year agent

"There is always a seasoned agent on call to bounce ideas off of or to go to if you need help with a situation. Someone is always available to reach out to so you don’t have to be on your own as an agent. I find that this has helped me provide better solutions for my clients, and it has also helped me be a better agent as I can help others as well."
- Lisa, Associate Broker and 15-year agent

"The availability of in-company trainings for active agents is unmatched. It helps from the perspective of convenience - being able to pop into the office anytime for coaching to get better, and of support - being able to call a Broker or another agent to get help anytime you need. It has helped me grow a very successful real estate career, even as a part-time agent."
- Matthew, full-time Firefighter and part-time agent for 7 years

You don’t need to pay a bunch of money to a real estate coach.

Why am I offering this?

I’ll help you for free in return that maybe, over the long term – and only if it makes sense - you’d like to learn more about working at our team or with our brokerage.

Let me be clear that is not the intent of the meeting. That’s another conversation for another time and only if you have any interest.

I also figure we’ll do business together someday and I would like to get to know you. I enjoy seeing real estate agents succeed. It’s fulfilling, and I love it.

I invite you to request a free one-on-one business strategy meeting with me. We can meet for coffee, or even if it’s more convenient, a phone call or a video conference works, too.

I have a questionnaire I would like you to fill out so that when we meet so I’m prepared to offer you specific advice. When you request a call, I’ll email it to you to complete before the meeting.

Look forward to meeting with you. Let’s grow your business.


Marc Highfill

Request a FREE One-on-one Business Planning Meeting

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