These two tips will help you overcome your fear of prospecting.

Every day I coach agents who have a fear of prospecting.  Whether you’re cold calling, knocking on doors, or talking to people at an open house, prospecting can feel awkward. However, it’s absolutely necessary if you want to grow your business. 

If your fear of prospecting is holding you back from being the best agent you can be, don’t worry - I have a solution. Here are two simple tips to help you get over your prospecting anxiety:

1. Keep it simple. Understand that prospecting is just talking to people. If you can have a conversation with your friends or a loved one, you can prospect. Make sure you keep topics simple and try to be as natural as possible. Stiff language will make people feel less like they’re talking to a friend.

“Prospecting is a numbers game.”

2. Find the type of prospecting you’re best at. Not all prospecting is created equal. Position yourself to play to your strengths and do the prospecting that will be most useful for your business. If hitting the phones works for you, do it. If you excel at open houses, focus on those. Whatever your style, do whatever works for you. 

These tips will help you start prospecting like a pro. If you have questions about these suggestions or would like some more prospecting advice, don’t hesitate to call or email us. Remember, it’s not the market… it’s the marketing that makes the difference.