Here are seven things that you should include in your marketing plan.

Most top producing agents have a secret weapon—an annual marketing plan. This is a predetermined schedule of marketing actions set on a calendar in advance to stay top of mind with your database. However, before you implement a marketing plan, you need to have a good database list.

Take some time to make a ranked list of referral sources. This can be your past clients, friends, family lenders, contractors, and basically anyone who has the potential to give you referrals or has referred business to you in the past. Group your list into two or three categories with people who are most likely to refer your business at the top.

Remember that a good list with average marketing will outperform a bad list with good marketing. Take some time during the fourth quarter to create your annual marketing plan for the following year, and then everything should happen like clockwork. There’s no thinking, stressing about how you’ll stay in touch, and missed opportunities for referrals—just consistent marketing that creates constant and consistent results.

What does a good marketing plan look like? There are seven things that the best annual marketing plans have in common:

1. Core marketing. You build a core marketing plan that goes out to your whole list, then create additional marketing that you can send to your higher ranked lists. This leverages your time and helps you limit your financial risk.

2. Frequency of number of contacts. The number of touches for each contact should increase as the likelihood of referrals increases. A higher chance of referral means more touch points. You should reach out to your database a minimum of once a month.

“A good annual marketing plan keeps you top of mind.”

3. Mixed mediums. To reduce the chances of your contacts getting bored with your marketing and getting you fewer touch points, mix up how you reach out. Use direct mail, email, texts, phone calls, social media, and in-person touch points so your database stays engaged. 

4. Marketing message. Messages should be fun, informative, desired and appreciated. 

5. A call to action. Each marketing piece should have a clear call to action. This must be included so people have a good reason to reach out and ask for real estate help.

6. Schedule. All marketing actions are set up in advance and written onto a calendar. That way, there’s no confusion about what will happen and when it will happen. 

7. Automation whenever possible. Automate every action to improve consistency. Leverage referrals and limit your effort. The easier you make it on yourself, the more likely you are to implement the plan and reap the rewards.

If you’d like more information about how to create an annual marketing plan or have any related questions, call or email me—and remember, it’s not the market, it’s the marketing that makes the difference!