Closing more deals starts with daily coaching.


Throughout the years of working on my business and building my team, I’ve found that one of the most successful ways agents can increase their sales and grow their business is through daily coaching. 

Think of it like a sports team: You need to practice every day and constantly review your strategy to win. The same goes for real estate. You need a foundation to build on and a way to implement slight-edge, street-smart techniques so you can constantly improve. Most real estate companies offer monthly coaching or some initial training and then send you out to sell homes without much follow-up or support. 

Here at Exit First Realty, we understand that many agents need more frequent support in order to be successful in this business. We believe in treating each other like family so we can all benefit from each other’s experience. The more you know, the more you grow, the more money you can make. Our coaches are actively producing agents dealing with the same situations and pain points all other agents face. We’ve created a street-smart strategy based on current sales situations, and we pass those onto you so you can close more deals. 

“One of the most successful ways agents can increase their sales and grow their business is through daily coaching.”

We’ve found that agents who take advantage of our daily coaching and accountability see a significant increase in their business. It helps you to be proactive instead of reactive, and it helps you to better serve your clients over time. Our daily coaching is available free of charge, and we discuss current sales situations and issues, how to win more bids in this competitive buyer’s market, how to find more seller clients, and how to close more deals. Whatever you’re having trouble with, our family of experienced agents can help you find a solution. 

If you feel like you’re not receiving enough support or could use a boost in your accountability, contact us today to set up a coaching session. You can call, email, or visit our website

If you have any other real estate questions, feel free to reach out to me as well. Remember: It’s not the market, it’s the marketing that makes the difference.