Learn about the systems we use to generate consistent business.


Are you a real estate agent who’s stuck on a roller coaster of income where some months are great and others are dire? Maybe you’re thinking of getting into real estate, but fear you won’t have the safety net of a regular paycheck. If so, Exit First Realty has a solution to help.

I speak with agents outside of our brokerage frequently who are stuck on the commission roller coaster. They work very hard to generate new business for a short amount of time, but once they get a few clients, they shift their focus and ignore building their pipeline. Once transactions with those clients close, they have to start all over again. This creates inconsistent income.

“If you don’t have a system in place to constantly generate income, you’ll end up struggling.”

I also speak with people who are thinking of starting a real estate career but they’re worried about shifting from a consistent salaried or hourly wage into a commission-only income. At Exit First Realty, we’ve broken the cycle of the commission roller coaster and have created and implemented coaching systems that teach agents how to continuously generate a pipeline of business that can sustain them throughout the year and eliminate those ups and downs.

Many people are enticed by a career in real estate because of the freedom to set your own schedule and be your own boss, but honestly, if you don’t have a system in place to constantly generate income, you’ll end up struggling. We’re always looking to grow our family with talented agents who want to take advantage of every opportunity that real estate can afford. It’s a great business but only if you implement the strategies that create consistency.

If you’re interested in learning more about how our Exit First Reality family can help break the commission roller coaster, or if you’re thinking about getting into real estate but want to make sure you’re set up for success, join us for a live office meet and greet. This is an open forum where we go into detail about the kinds of coaching and systems we use to build successful agents. To register for the next live event, click on the events tab on richmondrealestatejobs.com or contact us directly.