Here’s what you’ll need to do to get your business where you want it to be.


The year is halfway over. Is your business where you want it to be? During my “unstuck” coaching calls with agents, I talk about goals and accountability with them after every quarter. 

You see, many agents tend to focus on past success without putting action plans in place to leverage future business. They work “in their business” as opposed to “on their business,” which leads to opportunities for growth. Today I have some tips to help set yourself up for real estate success for the rest of 2021:

1. Know your numbers. Most agents who want to get to the next level are not 100% sure where their business is coming from. It’s important to look to the past to find out what’s been working so you can set up measurable habits going forward. 

2. Create habits and activities to leverage your success into future business. This will help you grow to the next phase. Our coaches work with agents to set up scorecards with specific activities that help measure future success. They’re set up in 12-week increments, with goals for each quarter. 

“Reach out today to have an “unstuck” call with me or one of my agents.”

The purpose is to measure each activity that needs to be completed weekly in order to generate new business. The activities on your scorecard should include strategies that you’ve earned business with in the past as well as new ideas to push you forward to the next level. You should also have an accountability coach to ensure you’re creating the right scorecard for your goals.

When you focus on habits, leverage past success into future business, and set a plan in place to actively work on building that success with a system to hold you accountable, you’re guaranteed to see results.

If you’d like to have an “unstuck” call with me or one of my agents to help get a plan in place to leverage your success to future business, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We’d love to hear from you and help create a system for long-term business prosperity.