All buyer’s agents should be doing this in our competitive market.

I speak with agents every day who have the same issues: They’re struggling to get their buyers’ offers accepted in this challenging market. I’ve started diving deeper into why so many agents are struggling and what we can do to help change that. Today I’m excited to share that I’ve discovered a solution that has helped several agents win more deals.

I recommend that you have a sit-down buyer presentation before showing them homes. It sounds simple, and you might be thinking that it won’t really help, but here’s the thing: Most agents don’t have a solid plan for their clients. Instead, they just scramble to schedule the next showing without properly educating the buyers about the process and what kind of offers they should be making to win.

“You’re the expert, and you have to prove that to your clients.”

With this initial meeting, you’re able to solely focus on your buyers and their specific needs. Then you can take the time to educate them on the process, the market, and the strategies they need to win. It doesn’t matter if your clients have bought a home in the past or not; by taking the time to understand their situation and explaining what you’ll do every day to help them buy a house, you’ll build trust.

Once that trust is established, clients are more likely to take your advice when making offers. Provide data, facts, and success stories from past clients as well. You’re the expert, and you have to prove that to your clients to separate yourself from the competition. The only way to get clients prepared to make the necessary quick decisions in the market is to take time to get to know their needs and demonstrate your value.

If you have any questions about how to structure a buyer presentation to highlight your strengths, contact my team today for a free business strategy session. If you have any other questions about the real estate business, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. Remember, it’s not the market; it’s the marketing that makes the difference!