These five strategies will level up your lead generation game.

Every agent knows that having a steady flow of new leads is the key to running a successful real estate business. However, some of you may be stuck on the best ways to generate leads. I’m going to give you five strategies that you can implement to gain momentum over time for a steady business pipeline.

1. Open houses. Face-to-face conversations with potential buyers, sellers, and investors are still the number one way to generate and convert leads. Open houses give us the ability to get in front of people who are already in the process of looking for a home. Make sure to provide value to these potential clients by having a list of similar houses for sale in the area and a list of recently sold homes to share with the neighbors you might encounter. Then find a way to connect with these attendees so they remember you when you follow up.

2. Circle prospecting sales. The National Association of Realtors states that within three weeks of a home selling, 15% of nearby homeowners consider selling as well. So how do you capture those potential sellers? Through direct mail, phone calls, or door knocking the neighbors of those homes that have recently sold. Make sure to approach these homeowners to inform them of the recent sale and then inquire if they know of anyone else who is thinking of making a move. Chances are, if you ask the right questions, you’ll find another lead to add to your pipeline.

“Having a steady flow of new leads is the key to running a successful real estate business.”

3. Out-of-town buyers. Moving data collected from several sources, including U-Haul, Pods, NAR, and Forbes, shows that since 2020, many Americans have been moving from the Northeast into the South. We’ve noticed a trend of buyers coming from out of the area, particularly from North Virginia, New York, Maryland, and other northern states. One of the best ways to build your pipeline is to target potential buyers who are currently living in those areas. You can do this by running targeted ads or by forming referral partnerships with agents in that area.

4. Absentee owners. Absentee owners are people who own property in one area but live in another. They’re sometimes investors or people who have inherited homes and haven’t sold them. You can find these owners through the tax records. Create marketing campaigns to reach out to these owners. Some of them may not want to keep up with maintaining a property out of the area and may be likely to sell, especially with the increased home prices in this Richmond area.

5. Unsolicited video CMAs. These are best to do for people you have already spoken with or people who are in your center of influence. It’s a great way to give homeowners an update on their home value. Shoot a video providing a quick update with recent comparable homes in a range that you think their home could sell for in today’s market. Then ask if they agree and encourage them to contact you to discuss. Doing these videos unprompted shows you want to stay in touch and provide valuable information, helping you stay top of mind.

If you want to go deeper into any of these topics with precise ways to implement them, call or email us today. Our coaches will work to create a plan that sets you up for future business success. And remember - It’s Not the Market…It’s the Marketing That Makes the Difference!