How the law of three can help you streamline your real estate business.

Want to dramatically boost your business before the year’s end? It’s all about focusing on the right things. That’s why we use a strategy based on what we call the “law of three.” It’s simple: identify the three most impactful activities driving your business forward, then dedicate your full energy to them. Here’s how to start:

1. List your monthly business growth activities. Make a comprehensive list of everything you do each month to grow your business.

2. Identify your top three. Review your list and circle the three activities that have the biggest impact on your business’s success. These should be activities you’ve already proven work.

3. Focus and eliminate. Once you’ve identified your top three, concentrate all your efforts on these areas. Delegate or eliminate everything else.

By narrowing your focus to these three core activities, you’ll become more proficient at them and gain clarity on how to prioritize. This laser-like focus can propel your business to new heights.

If you’re struggling to pinpoint your top three activities or need guidance on implementing this strategy, our coaching team is here to help. Just give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll work with you to create a focused plan to finish the year strong. And remember, It’s Not the Market…It’s the Marketing That Makes the Difference!