Today let’s discuss the importance of setting small goals and using an accountability coach to achieve them.

Most agents either set very lofty goals or set only one goal for a whole year at a time; for example, setting the goal to sell 25 homes or doing $1 million in sales volume a year. That can be a great starting point, but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t break it down into quarterly, weekly, and daily goals. You need to be specific and leverage your activities to compound your success.

So where do you start? We get our agents to take their big goal and then break it down into small levels of activity. 

For example, if you want to sell 25 homes this year and your current average is one sale a month, your new goal is more than double your current activity. That’s quite a lot bigger, so break it down into daily activities; it’s easier to commit to two hours of prospecting a day for an entire week.

Also, be specific about who you’re reaching out to, be it your past clients, sphere of influence, social media, internet leads, etc. Your objective should always be to set appointments. Time block exactly when you’re going to do it next.

Next, know your numbers. If it takes you four appointments to make a sale and 10 calls to set an appointment, you need to make sure you’re setting your goals based on those activities.

“I’ve been in the business for over 20 years and I still meet with two coaches to hold me accountable and keep me focused.”

It’s also a great idea to put your goals on paper so you can track your process. Put them somewhere accessible, like your daily calendar book or on a spreadsheet. Create a system to track your daily activities and your progress on them.

Most importantly, share your goals and progress with an accountability partner. Your partner will keep you on track and push you if you fall behind. When you don’t have an accountability coach, you have no one to answer to, which makes it very easy to give up on your goals or slip into bad habits. I’ve been in the business for over 20 years and I still meet with two coaches to hold me accountable and keep me focused.

If you’re interested in creating a personal business plan in accountability coaching, contact me for a free strategy session.

Additionally, you’re invited to attend one of our weekly agent support sessions via Zoom, where I provide tips, tricks, and suggestions for how to take your business to the next level. Register online at

As always, reach out to me via phone or email if you have any questions about goal setting or real estate. I would love to help you.