Here’s an overview of a proven 12-week plan to reach your goals.

Embarking on a year-long business plan can seem like a daunting task, leaving many real estate agents feeling overwhelmed. The solution? Simplify and focus on the next 12 weeks. By breaking down your goals into manageable blocks, you not only make progress more achievable but also increase your efficiency. Here’s a guide to streamline your approach and set the stage for a successful year.

1. Shift your focus to 12 weeks.  Rather than grappling with the enormity of a year-long plan, narrow your focus to the next 12 weeks. Define the number of transactions you aim to accomplish and identify the sources of these deals. What daily actions will propel you toward these goals? By concentrating on a shorter time frame, you’ll be compelled to act swiftly, minimizing procrastination.

2. Analyze last year’s performance. Start by understanding where your business originated in the previous year. This knowledge serves as a foundation for your 12-week plan. Concentrate on enhancing activities that yielded positive results and strategize on maximizing these sources over the next three months.

“Turn your yearly business plan into a more manageable and actionable strategy.”

3. Develop your scorecard. Craft a scorecard that outlines your daily and weekly tasks essential for achieving your 12-week goal. Common scorecard items for successful agents include initiating new conversations, following up with the pipeline, setting and holding appointments, and expanding your database. Create designated time slots each day for scorecard activities and adhere to your schedule – if it’s on your calendar, it must be done.

4. Track and be accountable. Consistently monitor your progress by tracking activities on your scorecard every week. Establish accountability by sharing your goals with someone who can hold you responsible. This not only ensures you stay on track but also provides an external perspective to keep you motivated.

5. Act now, don’t wait for the new year. Don’t procrastinate until the New Year to set your goals for the first quarter. Take action now to kickstart your year with momentum. Waiting only delays your progress, so seize the opportunity to create your 12-week plan today.

If you find yourself in need of assistance in creating an effective scorecard and goals for each quarter, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our coaches can guide you in determining the activities crucial for your success and help you formulate a comprehensive plan to close more deals. Remember - It’s Not the Market…It’s the Marketing That Makes the Difference!